Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Shown here in one of her final standup performances, Miss Arlo LittleCheese rocks the yard with her sardonic wit and comedic take on the world. Known to fans as Sweet Baby Cheese, Sweet Pie Cheese, and various other nauseatingly adoring names, Miss Arlo has entertained and delighted audiences since the last millennium.
She died on July 22, 2012.
The Dog Comedy world is left with a huge space to fill.

Back from the trenches

It has been 6 weeks since last i was able to make a report. There has been an unprecedented event. A great attack by The Terrorist Librarians (although they have yet to claim responsibility) has fallen on the House of Monkey and our enterprise, Chez Monkay.
I have brushed up against death, as you can see it took the fur off my arm.
But that is nothing compared to our beloved Miss Arlo, who went to hers straight on and is no longer with us. Obit to follow, stay tuned.
Thank you for your patience while i was unable to get to the blog.
Reporting Live,
i am Monkey Hussein Monkay